Lights required to be shown on boats underway between sundown and sunup.

Category:Sea Words

The portion of the precipitation on the land which ultimately reaches the streams. especially the water from rain or melted snow that flows over the surface.


The visibility along an identified runway, determined from a specified point on the runway with the observer facing in the same direction as a pilot using the runway. Compare to runway visible range.


The maximum distance along the runway at which the runway lights are visible to a pilot at touchdown. Runway visual range may be determined by an observer located at the end of the runway, facing in the direction of landing, or by means of a transmissomet ...


An agency of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture that makes loans to states and territories in the U.S. for rural electrification and the furnishing of electric energy to persons in rural areas who do not receive central station service. It also furnishes and i ...

Category:Energy Terms

A visible corrosion product consisting of hydrated oxides of iron. Applied only to ferrous alloys. See also white rust.

(turbine oils) -- a test for determining the ability of an oil to aid in preventing the rusting of ferrous parts in the presence of water.

Category:Sea Words

Sailors' term for an old ship that needed a lot of paint and repairs.

Category:Sea Words

Abbreviation for "Released Value Not Exceeding." Usually used to limit the value of goods transported.The limitation refers to carrier liability when paying a claim for lost or damaged goods

Category:Sea Words


Reid Vapor Pressure
