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This is so given that this is a notional point in chartering terms, this is best described as the Shipper/Receiver arranging for delivery/receival of cargo to/from directly under ships hook and the ship paying for the labour to stow the cargo in the vesse ...

A common measure of ship carrying capacity. The number of tons (2240 lbs.) of cargo, stores and bunkers that a vessel can transport. It is the difference between the number of tons of water a vessel displaces "light" and the number of tons it displaces "w ...

Category:Sea Words

Also length waterline or load waterline (LWL) - This is the length of the boat where it meets the water when loaded to its designed capacity.

Category:Sea Words

Water Line / Top of Hatch Coaming. To see if the load/discharge gear is large and high enough to reach the hatches. As the size of the ships increased faster than the size of the berth, this is often a problem. The ship can at times be lowered by taking b ...


Dispensation, given by a country which reserves the carriage of goods to ships of its own national fleet.

Tunnel which accommodates pipelines and runs longitudinally alongh the centre line of a ship.

Category:Technical Terms

This refers to shipping documents which are presented to a bank on a collection basis to be passed to the buyer (drawee) when payment is made.

Category:Financial Terms


Finished With Engines


A Type of Standard Voyage Charter Party Issued by ASBA


Summer Deadweight


Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included


Under Hook (i.e.barge cargo)

A length of rope used in a tug to bowse in the towrope. Gog rope.

Category:Sea Words

Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway)


Freight calculated on the value of the goods, expressed as a percentage.

Term in a c/p stipulating that despatch money (amount payable by shipowner to charterers/shippers or receivers)for loading or discharging in less than the time allowed in the C/P, is to be calculated at half of the agreed rate of demurrage.

Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot (Norway)


More Or Less Charterer's Option (see MOLCO)



Remaining On-Board (cargo after discharge) or Bunkers or stores or sparesThe material remaining in vessel tanks, void spaces, and/or pipelines after discharge. Remaining on board quantity includes water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludg ...


Always Within Institute Warranties Limits For insurance purpose: the ship should sail only within sea areas in which she is always insured. For instance the Bearing Sea is outside these limits, while he southern part of it is almost always free of ice. An ...
