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This refers to shipping documents which are presented to a bank on a collection basis to be passed to the buyer (drawee) when payment is made.

Category:Financial Terms

(Carriage Paid To) (...Named Place of Destination):A Term of Sale which means the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the goods to the named destination. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occ ...

Category:Financial Terms

(Cost, Insurance and Freight) (...Named Place of Destination):A Term of Sale where the seller has the same obligations as under the CFR but also has to procure marine insurance against the buyer's risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage. T ...

Category:Financial Terms

Generally in law, the voluntary relinquishing of all rights, title or possession of property.

Category:Financial Terms


Ex Works Ex works means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place (i.e. works, factory, warehouse, etc.) not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle. ...

Category:Financial Terms

(AMPS)In the US, this system provides access to information helpful to the NYSE staff in managing.

Category:Financial Terms

Amounts due to an organisation or individual from another for goods or services it has.

Category:Financial Terms

A former credit card system which was sold to Mastercard and.

Category:Financial Terms

Insurance which pays a lump sum in the event of death of the insured being caused by an.

Category:Financial Terms

Refers to the commitment by an Importer, evidenced by their accepting a Bill of Exchange drawn on them by an Exporter, to pay for goods at a fixed date in the future.

Category:Financial Terms

Amounts owed by an organisation or individual to another for goods or services it has.

Category:Financial Terms

(ASB)UK body that sets accounting standards. A subsidiary body of the Financial Reporting.

Category:Financial Terms

The rate of build-up of a pension in a scheme where the calculation is based on salary. The accrual.

Category:Financial Terms

A term used in company accounts where income is due or a cost is incurred during an accounting.

Category:Financial Terms

Insurance which pays benefits in the event of an accident. Items typically covered are medical.

Category:Financial Terms

A Letter of Credit which includes a term bill of exchange in its required documentation. The bill will be accepted by the bank on which it is drawn, usually the issuing or advising bank, and the proceeds paid to the beneficiary at maturity.

Category:Financial Terms

The practice of setting aside a proportion of the main earner's pension fund on divorce, benefits.

Category:Financial Terms

Also 'account payee only'. Words written on the face of a cheque between two parallel diagonal.

Category:Financial Terms

The date to which accounts are made up for a company. When a company is incorporated, it will.

Category:Financial Terms

This refers to shipping documents which are presented to a bank on a collection basis to be passed to the buyer when he or she accepts a bill of exchange. The bank holds the bill of exchange until it ends (maturity) when they ask the buyer to pay the sell ...

Category:Financial Terms