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Sea Words

Time after which legal claims will not be entertained

A contract for leasing between the ship owners and the lessee. It would state, e.g., the duration of the lease in years or voyages.

A draft that matures either a certain number of days after acceptance or a certain number of days after the date of the draft.


Transport International par la Route. Road transport operating agreement among European governments and the United States for the international movement of cargo by road. Display of the TIR carnet allows sealed containerloads to cross national frontiers w ...


Abbreviation for "Trailer Load."

A small low rail around the deck of a boat. The toe rail may have holes in it to attach lines or blocks and to allow drainage. A larger wall is known as a gunwale.

Abbreviation for "Trailer on Flat Car." The movement of a highway trailer on a railroad flatcar. Also known as Piggyback.

Work done by a man who bustles about doing nothing. Usually amplified by adding "running twice round the scuttle butt and once round the longboat".


A measure of weight ashore and a measure of capacity on a vessel.

A unit used in comparing freight earnings or expenses. The amount earned from the cost of hauling a ton of freight one mile.- The movement of a ton of freight one mile.

A quantity of cargo normally expressed as a number of tons.Deadweight, gross, net, displacement.

Deadweight, gross, net, displacement.

A quantity of cargo normally expressed as a number of tons.

Generally refers to freight handled.

A measure of a vessel's interior volume; The weight or displacement of a ship.

100 cubic feet.


on square-rigged ships, a platform at the masthead resting on the trestletrees and crosstrees. In addition to being a work platform, it extended the topmast shrouds to give additional support to the topmast.

A type of air circulation in a container. In top air units, air is drawn from the bottom of the container, filtered through the evaporator for cooling and then forced through the ducted passages along the top of the container. This type of airflow require ...

Too heavy aloft.

(1) The mast section next above the topmast and and below the royal mast. (2) The yard supported by that mast. (3) The third lowest square sail. It is stretched between the topgallant yard and the top yard.