

(1) A second method of propelling a vessel. On a sailboat this would be the engine. (2) Machinery fitted in steam and motor vessels which is not part of the main propelling machinery. (3) a support group, e.g., Coast Guard Auxiliary

Category:Sea Words

In electroplating, a supplementary anode positioned so as to raise the current density on a certain area of the cathode and thus obtain better distribution of plating.

An electrode commonly used in polarization studies to pass current to or from a test electrode, usually made of noncorroding material

Machinery other than main propelling machinery that is in service when the ship is in normal service, e.g. auxiliary diesel engines, turbogenerators, hydraulic motors and pumps, compressors, boiler ventilation fans, gear pumps.


Energy required to operate mechanical components of an energy system, or a source of energy or energy supply system to back-up another.

Category:Energy Terms

Auxiliary Management Information System.


Describes the reliability of power plants. It refers to the number of hours that a power plant is available to produce power divided by the total hours in a set time period, usually a year.

Category:Energy Terms

The amount of heat energy that may be converted into useful energy from a fuel.

Category:Energy Terms

The process by which a third party, usually a bank guarantees the undertaking of the drawee to meet their responsibility under a Bill of Exchange. The words "Per Aval" and the signature of the avalizing (guarantor) party must be written on the Bill. ...

Category:Financial Terms

A command to stop or cease immediately what one is doing.

Category:Sea Words

An order to stop or cease hauling (stop action at once).

Category:Sea Words

An order to stop; as, "Avast heaving!"

Category:Sea Words

See insurance.

Category:Sea Words

The total cost of production divided by the total quantity produced.

Category:Energy Terms

The demand on, or the power output of, an electrical system or any of its parts over an interval of time, as determined by the total number of kilowatt-hours divided by the units of time in the interval.

Category:Energy Terms

(ADX)Measures whether a market is in a trending mode and suitable for a trending following system. ADX is.

Category:Financial Terms

A term used by the London Stock Exchange to denote that a transaction was effected at a price based.

Category:Financial Terms

An envelope consisting of support and resistance lines of the average true price range, calculated.

Category:Financial Terms

The mean wind speed over a specified period of time.

Category:Energy Terms