Volume flow rate measured in normal cubic metres per minute (or hour), i.e. related back to normal inlet conditions

A semiconductor produced by doping an intrinsic semiconductor with an electron-donor impurity (e.g., phosphorous in silicon).

The cover for the gear box, drive train, generator, and other components of a wind turbine.

A metal tag attached to a machine or appliance that contains information such as brand name, serial number, voltage, power ratings under specified conditions, and other manufacturer supplied data.

A device used by oceanographers to obtain subsurface samples of sea water. The "bottle" is lowered by wire, its valves open at both ends. It is then closed in situ by allowing a weight (called a messenger) to slide down the wire and strike the reversing m ...

A term for what frequently happened to Nantucket whalers when they left the whaling ship in a small boat to go after a whale. If they harpooned the whale without mortally wounding it, the animal took off with the whaleboat in tow.

To reduce the number of days between the first of the laydays and the last.