A coating process, similar to gas carburizing and carbonitriding, whereby a reactant atmosphere gas is fed into a processing chamber where it decomposes at the surface of the workpiece, liberating one material for either absorption by, or accumulation on ...
A method of depositing thin semiconductor films used to make certain types of solar photovoltaic devices. With this method, a substrate is exposed to one or more vaporized compounds, one or more of which contain desirable constituents. A chemical reaction ...
The binding of an adsorbate to the surface of a solid by forces whose energy levels approximate those of a chemical bond. Contrast with physisorption.
An account, with a bank (or additionally a building society in the UK) into which deposits are made.
A card, issued by a bank (or a building society in the UK), which guarantees the payment of a cheque.
A system which enables cheques to be transmitted between banks (and between branches) in order to.
A fractographic pattern of radial marks (shear ledges) that look like nested letters "V"; sometimes called a herringbone pattern. Chevron patterns are typically found on brittle fracture surfaces in parts whose widths are considerably greater than their t ...
The world's largest exchange for futures contracts, in terms of the number of contracts traded.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (or Merc) was called the Chicago Butter and Egg Board until 1919 and.
The senior engineer officer responsible for the satisfactory working and upkeep of the main and auxiliary machinery and boiler plant on board ship.
An endowment assurance, on the life of a child, which can be taken as cash at maturity or converted.
A tax credit aimed at anyone with a child under 16, regardless of their marital status. The.
A device for removing heat from a gas or liquid stream for air conditioning/cooling.
A masonry or metal stack that creates a draft to bring air to a fire and to carry the gaseous byproducts of combustion safely away.
An internal 'wall' between two departments of a bank or other financial institution which is.