Nickname for a dinghy

Category:Sea Words

An electronic device that allows current to flow in one direction only.

Category:Energy Terms


A position of a flag when lowered part way in salute (method of salute between vessels, like planes dipping wings).

Category:Sea Words

A tube inside a domestic water heater that distributes the cold water from the cold water supply line into the lower area of the water heater where heating occurs.

Category:Energy Terms




The ability of an electric power consumer to purchase electricity from a supplier of their choice without being physically inhibited by the owner of the electric distribution and transmission system to which the consumer is connected to. (See also Open Ac ...

Category:Energy Terms

Solar radiation that arrives in a straight line from the sun.

Category:Energy Terms

DC. A continuous, one directional flow of electricity.(2) A type of electricity transmission and distribution by which electricity flows in one direction through the conductor; usually relatively low voltage and high current; typically abbreviated as dc.

Category:Sea Words

A payment system in which the payer authorises the payee to take funds from his bank.

Category:Financial Terms

(DIP) Enables companies to deliver price sensitive announcements electronically to the London Stock.

Category:Financial Terms

The purchase of shares in an open end mutual fund directly from the fund company rather than through.

Category:Financial Terms

Radiation coming from the solid angle of the sun's disc, as opposed to diffuse sky radiation, effective terrestrial radiation, or radiation from any other source. Direct solar radiation is measured by pyrheliometers.


Taxes which are imposed directly on the individual paying them. Examples of direct taxation are.

Category:Financial Terms

A type of combustion heating system in which combustion air is drawn directly from outside and the products of combustion are vented directly outside. These features are beneficial in tight, energy-efficient homes because they will not depressurize a home ...

Category:Energy Terms

A type of water heater in which heated water is stored within the tank. Hot water is released from the top of the tank when a hot water faucet is turned. This water is replaced with cold water that flows into the tank and down to just above the bottom pla ...

Category:Energy Terms

The process by which sunlight directly enters a building through the windows and is absorbed and stored in massive floors or walls.

Category:Energy Terms

A valve to control the flow of air in a certain direction.

Category:Sea Words

The purchases and sales made by directors of shares in the publicly quoted companies for which.

Category:Financial Terms

A small naval sword worn by midshipmen or their equivalents when in full dress uniform.

Category:Sea Words

The quantity of contaminant a filter element can trap and hold before the maximum allowable back pressure or delta P level is reached.

Category:Sea Words