Occurs in the base metal adjacent to weldments due to high through-thickness strains introduced by weld metal shrinkage in highly restrained joints. Tearing occurs by decohesion and linking along the working direction of the base metal; cracks usually run ...

A light source composed of a metal base, a glass tube filled with an inert gas or a vapor, and base pins to attach to a fixture.

A wind moving from the land to the water due to temperature changes in the evening, where the temperature of the land falls below the sea temperature.

Movement of cargo by water from one country through the port of another country, thence, using rail or truck, to an inland point in that country or to a third country. As example, a through movement of Asian cargo to Europe across North America.

Certificate issued by consular officials of some importing countries at the point or place of export when the subject goods are exported under bond.

A support fixed on the front part of a chassis (which is retractable); used to support the front end of a chassis when the tractor has been removed.

Features and vegetation on the outside of or surrounding a building for aesthetics and energy conservation.

An index calculated from total dissolved solids, calcium concentration, total alkalinity, pH and solution temperature that shows the tendency of a water solution to precipitate or dissolve calcium carbonate.

Is a technique for predicting whether water will tend to dissolve or precipitate calcium carbonate. If the water precipitates calcium carbonate, scale forming may result. If the water dissolves calcium carbonate, it has a corrosive tendency.

A unit or measure of solar radiation; 1 calorie per square meter or 3.69 Btu per square foot.