Reserve Capacity: RC The number of minutes it takes to discharge a battery to 10.5 volts by 25-amp discharge at 80°F.

A definite portion of a stream channel, commonly taken between two gauging stations, but may be taken between any two specified points.

A metal that readily combines with oxygen at elevated temperatures to form very stable oxides, for example, titanium, zirconium, and beryllium. Reactive metals may also become embrittled by the interstitial absorption of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

The electrical power that oscillates between the magnetic field of an inductor and the electrical field of a capacitor. Reactive power is never converted to non-electrical power. Calculated as the square root of the difference between the square of the ki ...

The unit price of a good or service estimated from some base year in order to provide a consistent means of comparison.

Under ICC and common law, the requirement that a rate not be higher than is necessary to reimburse the carrier for the actual cost of transporting the traffic and allow a fair profit.

A scale with the ice point at zero degrees and the boiling point of water at 80 degrees, with pressure of one atmosphere.