Board, bearing instructions, that comes to a wrecked ship with a life-saving rocket line.

Book in which is kept a reckoning of items of cargo received or discharged from a hatch or vessel.

A water heater that heats water before it is directly distributed for end use as required; a demand water heater.

In railcar or container shipments, the weight of the empty railcar or empty container.

A publication setting forth the charges, rates and rules of transportation companies.

imposes a 50-percent tariff on maintenance and repair work done on U.S.-flag vessels in foreign shipyards. Also, U.S.-flag vessels must either be built in the United States or have been a U.S.-flag vessel for at least 3 years to be eligible to carry prefe ...

Surface discoloration of a metal caused by formation of a thin film of corrosion product.

Any light source designed specifically to direct light a task or work performed by a person or machine.