(ADR)American depositary receipts are a convenient way for Americans to own shares in foreign.

Category:Financial Terms

An international company whose services include travel and financial products and which is probably.

Category:Financial Terms

(AMEX)A stock exchange located in Manhattan where stocks of small to medium sized companies are.

Category:Financial Terms

An option which can be exercised at any time until expiry (unlike European style options which can.

Category:Financial Terms

See 'American-style.

Category:Financial Terms

Generally speaking the word amidships means in the middle portion of a vessel.

Category:Sea Words

In or towards the middle of a ship in regard to length or breadth (center of).

Category:Sea Words

An instrument for measuring electrical current in amperes.

Category:Sea Words

A colorless, pungent, gas (NH3) that is extremely soluble in water, may be used as a refrigerant; a fixed nitrogen form suitable as fertilizer.

Category:Energy Terms

A colorless gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen used in refrigeration and in making of fertilizers and explosives. Found in some ambient air conditions.

Category:Sea Words

Associate Member of The Nautical Institute


States that the pressure of a gas, at constant volume, varies directly with the absolute temperature.

Category:Sea Words

A non-crystalline semiconductor material that has no long-range order.

Category:Energy Terms

An annual charge made in a company's profit and loss account to reduce the value of an asset to zero.

Category:Financial Terms

American Stock Exchange Options Switching System

Category:Financial Terms


ACRONYM - A unit of electrical current or rate of flow of electrons through a conductor. One volt across one ohm of resistance causes a current flow of one ampere. One ampere is equal to 6.25 x 1018 electrons per second passing a set point in a circuit. A ...

Category:Sea Words

A measure of the flow of current (in amperes) over one hour.

Category:Energy Terms

A unit of measure for an electrical current; the amount of current that flows in a circuit at an electromotive force of one Volt and at a resistance of one Ohm. Abbreviated as amp.

Category:Energy Terms

A unit of electrical current or rate of flow of electrons through a conductor. One volt across one ohm of resistance causes a current flow of one ampere. One ampere is equal to 6.25 x 1018 electrons per second passing a set point in a circuit.

Category:Sea Words

In navigation, the angle between the point at which the sun rises and sets and the true east and west points of the horizon.

Category:Sea Words