Alliance of Maritime Regional Interests in Europe.



Annual Machinery Survey.



The U.S. Customs' "Automated Manifest System."

Category:Sea Words

Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (USA).


Coast Guard's Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System


Voyage charter party (Americanised Welsh Coal Carterparty), used for shipments of coal from United States.

Americanized Welsh Coal Charter (1993)


An up slope wind due to local surface heating. Opposite of katabatic wind.


Microorganisms that live in oxygen deprived environments.

Category:Energy Terms

The complex process by which organic matter is decomposed by anaerobic bacteria. The decomposition process produces a gaseous byproduct often called "biogas" primarily composed of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide.

Category:Energy Terms

A device for optimizing the anaerobic digestion of biomass and/or animal manure, and possibly to recover biogas for energy production. Digester types include batch, complete mix, continuous flow (horizontal or plug-flow, multiple-tank, and vertical tank), ...

Category:Energy Terms

A holding pond for livestock manure that is designed to anaerobically stabilize manure, and may be designed to capture biogas, with the use of an impermeable, floating cover.

Category:Energy Terms

One hundred percent alcohol; neat ethanol.

Category:Energy Terms

Pertaining to measurements or devices in which the output varies continuously, i.e. voltage or rotation signals. Compare to digital.


A professional working for a fund manager or broker whose job is to analyse key industry sectors.

Category:Financial Terms

The machine by which, when dropped to the bottom, the vessel is held fast.

Category:Sea Words

(1) A heavy metal object, fastened to a chain or line, to hold a vessel in position, partly because of its weight, but chiefly because the designed shape digs into the bottom. (2) The act of using an anchor.

Category:Sea Words

A device or iron so shaped to grip the bottom and holds a vessel at anchor by the anchor chain.

Category:Sea Words

A black ball visible in all directions, displayed in the forward part of a vessel to indicate that the vessel is anchored.

Category:Sea Words