Rain gauge which registers precipitation that is too light to be registered by ordinary recording of the depth of water from precipitation. Same as ombrometer.

A small, limited-capacity central processing unit contained entirely on one semiconductor chip.

A feeble oscillatory disturbance of the earth's crust, detectable only by very sensitive seismographs. Certain types of microseisms seem to be closely correlated with pressure disturbances. See microbarm.

The structure of a prepared surface of a metal as revealed by a microscope at a magnification exceeding 25x.

A red and white vertically striped buoy used in the United States to mark the middle of a channel. Midchannel buoys may be passed by on either side.

A non-commissioned naval rank. Midshipmen play a part, under supervision, in most of the ship's activities, and are in training for higher command.

A common utility monetary measure equal to one-thousandth of a dollar or a tenth of a cent.

The heavy oxide layer formed during hot fabrication or heat treatment of metals.

A unit of pressure which directly expresses the force exerted by the atmosphere. Equal to 1000 dynes/cm2 or 100 pascals.

An intermodal system for transporting containers by ocean and then by rail or motor to a port previously served as an allwater move (e.g., Hong Kong to New York over Seattle).