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Generally, an instrument designed to measure or estimate the blueness of the sky. See Linke-scale.


A buoyant balloon rising freely in the atmosphere, as opposed to a captive balloon.


The record of a barograph.


The difference between the air temperature and the dew-point. Also called dew-point deficit, dew-point depression.


Snow shower, particularly of a very light and brief nature.


The temperature at which the liquid and solid forms of a substance may exist in equilibrium at a given pressure (usually one standard atmosphere). The true freezing point of water is known as the ice point.


A river gauge in which a weight suspended on a wire is lowered to the water surface from a bridge or other overhead structure to measure the distance from a point of known elevation to the water surface.


A direct-vision nephoscope constructed in the following manner: A grid-work of bars is mounted horizontally on the end of a vertical column and made free to rotate about the vertical axis. The observer rotates the grid and adjusts his or her position unti ...


The upper surface of a column of liquid.


A warm, dry wind on the lee side of a mountain range, the warmth and dryness due to adiabatic compression upon descent.


In the direction from which the wind is blowing.


An instrument consisting of a series of graduated cylinders possessing selective collection efficiencies. It is used for the measurement of quantities relating to the size distribution of cloud droplets.


The length of fluid flow (gas or liquid) past a sensor required for the sensor to respond to 63.2% of a step change in speed. Expressed in feet or meters. For anemometers, this value is calculated from time constant times wind tunnel speed.


A type of precipitation composed of unbranched crystals in the form of needles, columns, or plates. Usually has a very slight downward motion and may fall from a cloudless sky.


Pertaining to measurements or devices in which the output vanes in discrete steps, i.e. on-off or pulse signals. Compare to analog.


A radiosonde whose carrier wave is modulated by audio-frequency signals whose frequency is controlled by the sensing elements of the instrument.


An atmospheric phenomenon, other than clouds, which obscures a portion of the sky from the point of observation. Also called obscuration.


A precipitation gauge consisting of a receiver in the shape of a funnel which empties into a bucket mounted upon a weighing mechanism. The weight of the catch is recorded as inches of precipitation.


A computed characteristic of a particular river basin, expressed as the time difference between the time-center of mass of rainfall and the time-center of mass of resulting runoff.


Any conventional barometer fitted with an extended scale so that atmospheric pressure measurements may be made at both high and low altitudes.
